I. Program Description

          With the rapid development of AI technology, the established healthcare system and its related industries will face tremendous changes, which will in turn affect the legal system. In order to cope with the impact of AI development on the healthcare system and the industry, the Association gathers domestic and foreign experts in various fields, and through the exploration of medical and legal issues, we hope to help the government, the academia and the industry to obtain the latest AI healthcare development trends, and by inviting foreign scholars to participate, to refer to the latest development of foreign reference and borrowing. By inviting overseas scholars to participate in the symposium, we will also deepen the dialogue among different sectors and help to strike a balance between the operation of medical practice, the formulation of legal policies and the development of the AI medical industry, which will be conducive to the development of AI medical treatment in the future.
        Four themes will be planned for this symposium, namely: "Medical Accident Prevention and Patient Safety Legal System", "Regenerative Medicine Legal System", "Intelligent Healthcare and Personal Data Protection Legal System (I)", and "Intelligent Healthcare and Personal Data Protection Legal System (II)", and the following is a brief description of each session:

     1. "Medical Accident Prevention and Patient Safety Law": The latest development of medical accident prevention and patient safety in Germany, the U.S., and Japan will be introduced, followed by a discussion on how to prevent medical accidents in Taiwan and how to handle disputes in Taiwan, taking into account the new medical laws of the U.S., Japan, and Germany, and adapting to the practice in Taiwan.
     2. "Regenerative medicine legal system": introduce and compare the regenerative medicine legal systems in Japan and Taiwan, and then discuss how Taiwan's regenerative medicine legislation can be adapted.
     3. "Intelligent Healthcare and Personal Data Protection Legislation (I)": applying patients' personal data to intelligent healthcare by means of AI big data analysis, exploring the legal aspects and discovering the areas for improvement in the legal aspects from the viewpoint of doctors' practice.
     4. "Intelligent Healthcare and Personal Data Protection Legal System (II)": How to utilize AI in the medical field, and the resulting protection of patients' privacy and handling of personal data and controversies.



III.Event Photos